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Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails

Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails

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Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails, architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK

Localização: Dover

Fonte: Wikimedia


Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK

Reino Unido 0 m
Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails
Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK
Reino Unido 0 m
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Castelo de Dover
Castelo de Dover Castelo medieval em Dover, Inglaterra.
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St Mary sub Castro, Dover Church in Dover, UK
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Dubris Pharos Roman lighthouse in Dover, England
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Dubris Ancient port in Roman Britain, in Dover, Kent
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Former Regimental Institute Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK

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Former Regimental Institute
Former Regimental Institute Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK
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Queen Elizabeths Pocket Pistol Cannon in Dover, Kent, UK
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House Adjoining Peverells Tower House in Dover, Kent, UK
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St James' Church, Dover Ruined church in Dover, England
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Castle Hill House, Including Attached Garden Wall With Gatepiers To South-East Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK

Reino Unido 511 m
Castle Hill House, Including Attached Garden Wall With Gatepiers To South-East
Reino Unido 511 m
Officers Barracks And Attached Basement Area Walls And Rails - architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK é fornecido por Around.Us ( As imagens e os textos são derivados do projeto Wikimedia sob uma licença Creative Commons. Você é permitido copiar, distribuir e modificar cópias desta página, sob as condições estabelecidas pela licença, desde que esta nota esteja claramente visível.