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Statue of George V, public sculpture in Westminster, London, England

Localização: City of Westminster

Início: 1947

Arquiteto: Giles Gilbert Scott

Criador: William Reid Dick

Acessibilidade: Acessível para cadeira de rodas

Fontes: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Statue of George V Public sculpture in Westminster, London, England

Reino Unido 0 m
Statue of George V
Statue of George V Public sculpture in Westminster, London, England
Reino Unido 0 m
Imperial Monumental Halls and Tower Estrutura inacabada no Reino Unido

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Reino Unido 27 m
Imperial Monumental Halls and Tower
Imperial Monumental Halls and Tower Estrutura inacabada no Reino Unido
Reino Unido 27 m
Henry VII Lady Chapel Capela na Inglaterra

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Reino Unido 41 m
Henry VII Lady Chapel
Henry VII Lady Chapel Capela na Inglaterra
Reino Unido 41 m
7 Old Palace Yard Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK. Formely residential buliding, the sole survivor of the row of houses that used to surround the Yard. The building is now part of the Parliamentary Estate.

Reino Unido 41 m
7 Old Palace Yard
7 Old Palace Yard Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK. Formely residential buliding, the sole survivor of the row of houses that used to surround the Yard. The building is now part of the Parliamentary Estate.
Reino Unido 41 m
Richard Coeur de Lion Sculpture by Carlo Marochetti

Reino Unido 58 m
Richard Coeur de Lion
Richard Coeur de Lion Sculpture by Carlo Marochetti
Reino Unido 58 m
The Chapter House and Pyx Chamber in the abbey cloisters, Westminster Abbey Chapter house in the City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 59 m
The Chapter House and Pyx Chamber in the abbey cloisters, Westminster Abbey
The Chapter House and Pyx Chamber in the abbey cloisters, Westminster Abbey Chapter house in the City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 59 m
Jewel Tower Museu em Cidade de Westminster, Reino Unido

Reino Unido 64 m
Jewel Tower
Jewel Tower Museu em Cidade de Westminster, Reino Unido
Reino Unido 64 m
Monument to Major-General James Wolfe Monument in Westminster Abbey

Reino Unido 66 m
Monument to Major-General James Wolfe
Monument to Major-General James Wolfe Monument in Westminster Abbey
Reino Unido 66 m
Parliamentary Estate Location in England

Reino Unido 79 m
Parliamentary Estate
Parliamentary Estate Location in England
Reino Unido 79 m
Statue of George V - public sculpture in Westminster, London, England é fornecido por Around.Us ( As imagens e os textos são derivados do projeto Wikimedia sob uma licença Creative Commons. Você é permitido copiar, distribuir e modificar cópias desta página, sob as condições estabelecidas pela licença, desde que esta nota esteja claramente visível.