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Royal Lodge, house in Windsor Great Park in Berkshire, England

Localização: Windsor and Maidenhead

Fonte: Wikimedia


Royal Lodge House in Windsor Great Park in Berkshire, England

Reino Unido 0 m
Royal Lodge
Royal Lodge House in Windsor Great Park in Berkshire, England
Reino Unido 0 m
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Royal Chapel of All Saints
Royal Chapel of All Saints Capela real na Inglaterra
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Cumberland Lodge Casa histórica em Windsor Great Park, Inglaterra.

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Cumberland Lodge
Cumberland Lodge Casa histórica em Windsor Great Park, Inglaterra.
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Windsor Great Park Parque real na Inglaterra

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Windsor Great Park
Windsor Great Park Parque real na Inglaterra
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Savill Garden Enclosed part of Windsor Great Park in England

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Savill Garden
Savill Garden Enclosed part of Windsor Great Park in England
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Equestrian statue of Elizabeth II Statue in Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, England

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Equestrian statue of Elizabeth II
Equestrian statue of Elizabeth II Statue in Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, England
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Savill Building Visitor centre at the entrance to The Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park, Surrey, England

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Savill Building
Savill Building Visitor centre at the entrance to The Savill Garden in Windsor Great Park, Surrey, England
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Milestone Opposite Dell Park Lodge Milestone in Runnymede, Surrey, UK

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Milestone Opposite Dell Park Lodge
Milestone Opposite Dell Park Lodge Milestone in Runnymede, Surrey, UK
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Cumberland Obelisk Obelisk in Runnymede, Surrey, UK

Reino Unido 1.7 km
Cumberland Obelisk
Cumberland Obelisk Obelisk in Runnymede, Surrey, UK
Reino Unido 1.7 km
Royal Lodge - house in Windsor Great Park in Berkshire, England é fornecido por Around.Us ( As imagens e os textos são derivados do projeto Wikimedia sob uma licença Creative Commons. Você é permitido copiar, distribuir e modificar cópias desta página, sob as condições estabelecidas pela licença, desde que esta nota esteja claramente visível.