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Joseph Lister Memorial, Memorial no Reino Unido

O Memorial Joseph Lister é um edifício listado como Grau II e escultura localizado na Cidade de Westminster.

Dedicado à memória de Joseph Lister, pioneiro na cirurgia antisséptica, o memorial foi inaugurado em 1928.

O trabalho de Lister com antissépticos mudou radicalmente as técnicas e práticas cirúrgicas modernas.

Thomas Brock criou a escultura como uma homenagem às contribuições médicas revolucionárias de Lister.

Permanece como um testemunho do legado duradouro do homem conhecido como o 'pai da cirurgia moderna'.

Localização: City of Westminster

Início: 1928

Criador: Thomas Brock

Altura: 4,44 m

Material: bronze, granito

Fontes: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Joseph Lister Memorial Memorial no Reino Unido

Reino Unido 0 m
Joseph Lister Memorial
Joseph Lister Memorial Memorial no Reino Unido
Reino Unido 0 m
92-96, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 29 m
92-96, Portland Place W1
92-96, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 29 m
77-81, Portland Place W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B

Reino Unido 30 m
77-81, Portland Place W1
77-81, Portland Place W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B
Reino Unido 30 m
75, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 30 m
75, Portland Place W1
75, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 30 m
12, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 59 m
12, Devonshire Street W1
12, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 59 m
69, Portland Place W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B

Reino Unido 65 m
69, Portland Place W1
69, Portland Place W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B
Reino Unido 65 m
Statue of Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent Statue in London

Reino Unido 68 m
Statue of Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent
Reino Unido 68 m
Cattle Trough On Gardenside Pavement, Opposite Number 14 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B

Reino Unido 73 m
Cattle Trough On Gardenside Pavement, Opposite Number 14
Cattle Trough On Gardenside Pavement, Opposite Number 14 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B
Reino Unido 73 m
43-47, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B

Reino Unido 89 m
43-47, Devonshire Street W1
43-47, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1B
Reino Unido 89 m
59-67, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 92 m
59-67, Portland Place W1
59-67, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 92 m
14-18, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 92 m
14-18, Devonshire Street W1
14-18, Devonshire Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 92 m
1-6 and 8-14 Park Crescent Grade I listed building in City of Westminster, London, United Kingdom

Reino Unido 120 m
1-6 and 8-14 Park Crescent
1-6 and 8-14 Park Crescent Grade I listed building in City of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
Reino Unido 120 m
40 Devonshire Street City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 121 m
40 Devonshire Street
40 Devonshire Street City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 121 m
The Nursemaids' Tunnel Tunnel in Regent's Park, London, UK

Reino Unido 137 m
The Nursemaids' Tunnel
The Nursemaids' Tunnel Tunnel in Regent's Park, London, UK
Reino Unido 137 m
66 Portland Place Instituto de arquitetura no Reino Unido

Reino Unido 151 m
66 Portland Place
66 Portland Place Instituto de arquitetura no Reino Unido
Reino Unido 151 m
Statue of Władysław Sikorski Statue in London

Reino Unido 153 m
Statue of Władysław Sikorski
Reino Unido 153 m
120 And 122, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 155 m
120 And 122, Harley Street W1
120 And 122, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 155 m
East Lodge In Corner Of Crescent Gardens Architectural structure in City of Westminster, Greater London, UK

Reino Unido 160 m
East Lodge In Corner Of Crescent Gardens
East Lodge In Corner Of Crescent Gardens Architectural structure in City of Westminster, Greater London, UK
Reino Unido 160 m
110 and 112 Harley Street City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 164 m
110 and 112 Harley Street
110 and 112 Harley Street City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 164 m
Railings Surrounding Garden Of Park Square Railings Surrounding Garden Of Square Guard rail in City of Westminster, Greater London, UK

Reino Unido 166 m
Railings Surrounding Garden Of Park Square  Railings Surrounding Garden Of Square
Railings Surrounding Garden Of Park Square Railings Surrounding Garden Of Square Guard rail in City of Westminster, Greater London, UK
Reino Unido 166 m
12, Weymouth Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1W

Reino Unido 166 m
12, Weymouth Street W1
12, Weymouth Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1W
Reino Unido 166 m
126-150, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 170 m
126-150, Harley Street W1
126-150, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 170 m
108, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 170 m
108, Harley Street W1
108, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 170 m
22 Weymouth Street Grade II listed house in City of Westminster, United kingdom

Reino Unido 171 m
22 Weymouth Street
22 Weymouth Street Grade II listed house in City of Westminster, United kingdom
Reino Unido 171 m
106, Harley Street W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 172 m
106, Harley Street W1
106, Harley Street W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 172 m
104, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 177 m
104, Harley Street W1
104, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 177 m
41-47, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 181 m
41-47, Portland Place W1
41-47, Portland Place W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 181 m
100 And 102, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G

Reino Unido 184 m
100 And 102, Harley Street W1
100 And 102, Harley Street W1 City of Westminster, Greater London, W1G
Reino Unido 184 m
121, Harley Street W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK

Reino Unido 187 m
121, Harley Street W1
121, Harley Street W1 Building in City of Westminster, London, England, UK
Reino Unido 187 m
Equestrian statue of George Stuart White Estátua Patrimônio Grau II no Reino Unido

Reino Unido 187 m
Equestrian statue of George Stuart White
Equestrian statue of George Stuart White Estátua Patrimônio Grau II no Reino Unido
Reino Unido 187 m
Joseph Lister Memorial - Memorial no Reino Unido é fornecido por Around.Us ( As imagens e os textos são derivados do projeto Wikimedia sob uma licença Creative Commons. Você é permitido copiar, distribuir e modificar cópias desta página, sob as condições estabelecidas pela licença, desde que esta nota esteja claramente visível.