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The Merry Maidens Círculo de pedras no Reino Unido

As Merry Maidens, também conhecidas como os homens da Alvorada, um círculo perfeito de dezenove megalitos.

Reino Unido
The Merry Maidens
The Merry Maidens Círculo de pedras no Reino Unido
Reino Unido
The Pipers Standing stones in St Buryan, Cornwall, UK

Reino Unido
The Pipers
The Pipers Standing stones in St Buryan, Cornwall, UK
Reino Unido
Boscawen-Un Círculo de pedras no Reino Unido

Boscawen-Un é um círculo de pedras da Idade do Bronze perto de St Buryan na Cornualha, Inglaterra.

Reino Unido
Boscawen-Un Círculo de pedras no Reino Unido
Reino Unido
Holy Well And Gates At Sw393261 Holy well in St. Buryan, Cornwall, UK

Reino Unido
Holy Well And Gates At Sw393261 Holy well in St. Buryan, Cornwall, UK
Reino Unido
Holy Well Of St Credan Holy well in Sancreed, Cornwall, UK

Reino Unido
Holy Well Of St Credan Holy well in Sancreed, Cornwall, UK
Reino Unido
Porthcurno Telegraph Museum Museu do telégrafo no Reino Unido

O Museu do Telégrafo de Porthcurno é dedicado à história da telegrafia e das comunicações globais.

Reino Unido
Porthcurno Telegraph Museum
Porthcurno Telegraph Museum Museu do telégrafo no Reino Unido
Reino Unido
British Cured Pilchards Ltd Museum in Newlyn, England, UK

Reino Unido
British Cured Pilchards Ltd Museum in Newlyn, England, UK
Reino Unido
National Gypsy Museum Museum in Trereife, England, UK

Reino Unido
National Gypsy Museum Museum in Trereife, England, UK
Reino Unido
Holy well 30m north west of St Levan's Chapel Holy well located near to the village of St. Levan, in Cornwall, United Kingdom

Reino Unido
Holy well 30m north west of St Levan's Chapel
Holy well 30m north west of St Levan's Chapel Holy well located near to the village of St. Levan, in Cornwall, United Kingdom
Reino Unido
Trinity House National Lighthouse Museum Museum in Cornwall, England

Reino Unido
Trinity House National Lighthouse Museum
Trinity House National Lighthouse Museum Museum in Cornwall, England
Reino Unido