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Círculo de Pedra de Withypool Círculo de pedra em GB

O Círculo de Pedra de Withypool é um minilite e monumento agendado localizado na Colina Withypool, Reino Unido.

Reino Unido
Círculo de Pedra de Withypool
Círculo de Pedra de Withypool Círculo de pedra em GB
Reino Unido
Bowl barrow and round cairn on Withypool Hill, 850m and 820m east of Portford Bridge Bowl barrow in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Bowl barrow and round cairn on Withypool Hill, 850m and 820m east of Portford Bridge
Bowl barrow and round cairn on Withypool Hill, 850m and 820m east of Portford Bridge Bowl barrow in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Old Barrow on Old Barrow Down Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Old Barrow on Old Barrow Down Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Green Barrow on Hawkridge Common Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Green Barrow on Hawkridge Common Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Brightworthy Barrows on Withypool Common Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Brightworthy Barrows on Withypool Common Archaeological site in Withypool and Hawkridge, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Landacre Bridge Ponte rodoviária no Reino Unido

A Ponte Landacre atravessa o rio Barle no Parque Nacional de Exmoor.

Reino Unido
Landacre Bridge
Landacre Bridge Ponte rodoviária no Reino Unido
Reino Unido
Tarr Steps Ponte clapper em Somerset, Inglaterra

Os Tarr Steps são uma ponte de laje pré-histórica sobre o rio Barle no parque nacional de Exmoor, Reino Unido.

Reino Unido
Tarr Steps
Tarr Steps Ponte clapper em Somerset, Inglaterra
Reino Unido
Round barrow cemetery incorporating Wambarrows on Winsford Hill Round barrow in Winsford, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Round barrow cemetery incorporating Wambarrows on Winsford Hill
Round barrow cemetery incorporating Wambarrows on Winsford Hill Round barrow in Winsford, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Earthwork enclosure on Winsford Hill, 200m south east of Wambarrows Earthwork in Winsford, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK

Reino Unido
Earthwork enclosure on Winsford Hill, 200m south east of Wambarrows Earthwork in Winsford, Somerset West and Taunton, England, UK
Reino Unido
Two round barrows on Twitchen Ridge Round barrow in Twitchen, North Devon, England, UK

Reino Unido
Two round barrows on Twitchen Ridge Round barrow in Twitchen, North Devon, England, UK
Reino Unido