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Mên-an-Tol Monumento antigo em Cornwall, Inglaterra

Mên-an-Tol é uma pequena formação de pedras em pé localizada em Cornwall, Inglaterra.

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Mên-an-Tol Monumento antigo em Cornwall, Inglaterra
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Mên Scryfa Menir no Reino Unido

Mên Scryfa é uma pedra de pé inscrita na Cornualha.

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Mên Scryfa
Mên Scryfa Menir no Reino Unido
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Standing stone 60m north west of the Nine Maidens Stone Circle Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK

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Standing stone 60m north west of the Nine Maidens Stone Circle Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK
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Carfury Standing Stone Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK

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Carfury Standing Stone Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK
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Mulfra Quoit Túmulo neolítico na Cornualha

Mulfra Quoit é uma das estruturas megalíticas mais bem preservadas da Cornualha.

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Mulfra Quoit
Mulfra Quoit Túmulo neolítico na Cornualha
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Standing stone 150m north west of Trewern Round Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK

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Standing stone 150m north west of Trewern Round Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK
Reino Unido
Standing stone 340m south of Trye Farm Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK

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Standing stone 340m south of Trye Farm Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK
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Boswens Menhir Standing stone near St. Just in Penwith, Cornwall, England

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Boswens Menhir
Boswens Menhir Standing stone near St. Just in Penwith, Cornwall, England
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Standing stone 75m south of Tremayne Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK

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Standing stone 75m south of Tremayne Menhir in Madron, Cornwall, England, UK
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Standing stone known as the 'Blind Fiddler', 405m south east of Lesbew Farm Standing stone and National Monument in the UK

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Standing stone known as the 'Blind Fiddler', 405m south east of Lesbew Farm
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