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Castelo de Dover Castelo medieval em Dover, Inglaterra.

O Castelo de Dover é uma grande e bem preservada fortaleza no condado inglês do sudeste de Kent.

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Castelo de Dover
Castelo de Dover Castelo medieval em Dover, Inglaterra.
Reino Unido
Dubris Ancient port in Roman Britain, in Dover, Kent

Reino Unido
Dubris Ancient port in Roman Britain, in Dover, Kent
Reino Unido
Mediaeval Undercroft At Number 10 Bench Street Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK

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Mediaeval Undercroft At Number 10 Bench Street Architectural structure in Dover, Kent, UK
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Buckland Anglo-Saxon cemetery Archaeological site in the United Kingdom

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Buckland Anglo-Saxon cemetery Archaeological site in the United Kingdom
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Hougham Without Hillfort in Kent

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Hougham Without Hillfort in Kent
Reino Unido
Four ring ditches on ridge of Sutton Hill Archaeological site in Sutton, Dover, England, UK

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Four ring ditches on ridge of Sutton Hill Archaeological site in Sutton, Dover, England, UK
Reino Unido
Medieval manor house, Walmer Archaeological site in Walmer, Dover, England, UK

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Medieval manor house, Walmer Archaeological site in Walmer, Dover, England, UK
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An unenclosed Iron Age urnfield and Roman villa, 60m ESE of No.64 Wear Bay Road Urnfield in Folkestone, Folkestone and Hythe, England, UK

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An unenclosed Iron Age urnfield and Roman villa, 60m ESE of No.64 Wear Bay Road Urnfield in Folkestone, Folkestone and Hythe, England, UK
Reino Unido
Two Martello towers, East Cliff Archaeological site in Folkestone, Folkestone and Hythe, England, UK

Reino Unido
Two Martello towers, East Cliff
Two Martello towers, East Cliff Archaeological site in Folkestone, Folkestone and Hythe, England, UK
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